Isn't it tempting to save money by using a free postal service or employees' personal emails instead of business email? Trust me, it's not worth it. And here's why
Isn't it tempting to save money by using a free postal service or employees' personal emails instead of business email? Trust me, it's not worth it. And here's why.
At first glance, it may seem like you will save money. But it will cost you much in other ways.
Think about what kind of opinion will be formed about your company if you receive e-mails from, for example, pupsik-boss55@ukr.net. It is unlikely that it would increase trust in you, because it looks unprofessional. Even with an address like petrenko@gmail.com, it is still difficult to guess that it concerns your company.
But image loss is nothing compared to security. You might ask, what does the mail service have to do with it? Well, here's how.
Commercial proposals, financial and accounting documents, and draft contracts are transmitted by e-mail. Various client applications are linked to e-mail addresses.
When using free e-mail services, both the contact database and documents are stored only in the owner's e-mail account. And what to do when a person is on vacation or sick, and there is no one to reply to partners instead, because there is no access to correspondence and files.
Or even more spectacularly, the employee quit, and all the business information and contacts floated away with him. It will be very difficult to re-establish communication with partners.
These situations can be easily avoided with a business email service.
Technically, there is no difference between corporate and personal e-mail. But the visual difference is that in user addresses after the @ symbol is the address of your website. For example: office@namecompany.com.
1. Growth of the company's professional image
Mailbox addresses are also a part of a reputation. Routing e-mail through a company's domain name shows that the business is stable and reliable.
You will be perceived as a serious partner, not a one-day project.
2. Confidence and informativeness are increased
A domain spelled out in the e-mail will make it easy to find your site for more information. Plus, any e-mail will serve as free advertising. And in business, publicity never hurts)
Anything you can do to promote your site will be free.
3. Working together with the team
Corporate email simplifies more than just email. Employees can share address books and calendars, work on documents simultaneously in their browsers, store files in the cloud, and more. These features increase efficiency for each employee and the team as a whole.
4. Protecting your mail from spam
The business email package uses a built-in spam filter. It contains a «black» list of known spam senders and is constantly learning based on user behavior. The filter reduces the amount of unwanted and malware-infected mail.
And this helps save busy people precious time, reduces the risk of spreading viruses, and relievesemployee irritation from distracting messages.
5. Safe and easy to control
The owner has access to all company mailboxes, address books, and files as to an open book. You can always analyze how employees communicate with customers, how quickly they interact, and view attachments. This will help you to understand how well the team is working together and adjust the workload of your employees
6. Beautiful, succinct addresses that are easy to remember
You can create a mailbox for each employee or department. By email petrenko@yourvompany.com it is immediately clear that the person works in your organization. The address info@namecompany.com will inspire more trust than info-namecompany@ukr.net from a free email service. In addition, it will be difficult to find interesting-sounding names on a free service, as they have long been occupied.
If the number of employees grows, you simply register a new box, and when the address is no longer needed, you delete it.
7. Clear separation of work processes and personal affairs
Everything is clear and convenient - business correspondence in the corporate mailbox, communication with friends, and all home affairs - via personal e-mail.
Using free e-mail services for business you can avoid minor expenses. But think carefully about how it will affect the trust of customers, your credibility, and security. After all, there are no trifles in the business world.
With Corporate LiteOffice Mail from RealHOST, it is easy to improve the security and image of your company. The cost of a mailbox is from 14 UAH per month. And business efficiency is priceless.
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