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A bit about us

How RealHOST started and what you should expect from our hosting service

A few words about us - let's get acquainted

RealHOST company has been providing hosting services to its dear users since 2011. But our way to hosting started long before that.... with a search for convenient locations to host the projects we were developing for our clients at that time. We were eager to find hosting where everything is simple, secure, and budget-friendly. We wanted all the conveniences, from easy-to-understand ordering of services to comfortable work in the control panel, to be all in one place.

We were looking for a combination of fast servers and a reliable network "not for all the money in the world". We checked out different alternatives, and each provider had its benefits, but at the same time, its disadvantages. And after a large-scale test drive of hosting, we decided that in our situation, more than ever, the rule would be relevant: "If you want to do something well, do it yourself!". And we took the risk.

We have combined our many years of experience in programming, server and network configuration with our own long practice as hosting users and the desire to improve some things. We carefully considered the variants "how it would be more convenient for ourselves" and tried to create "a hosting service for ourselves".

To begin with, we assembled and placed our first physical server in the data center, analyzed in detail the network settings and the specifics of the smooth functioning of the equipment, deployed our favorite service control panels and moved there all the sites we were developing at that time. And after the projects were completed, we faced the fact that many of our clients flatly refused to move their sites to third-party hosting and wanted to stay with us. They also asked us to host the projects of their friends and acquaintances. We took this step as well!

After a while we purchased and placed advanced equipment in a secure Tier III level data center. Having our own rich experience as a picky user of various hosting services, we carefully thought out and implemented the entire customer journey - from clear ordering and payment to efficient project work. Afterwards picked up the name and created a website. Not so long ago we also developed our own service control panel.

Currently, we have the following situation:

  • We understand that servers and websites never sleep. That's why we provide 99.9% uptime no matter the day of the week or time of day, year after year.
  • We know that not everyone is experienced enough to work, and everyone may have questions. That's why technical support is always ready to help or give competent advice. Professional, concise, no slang and always to the point.
  • We believe that our clients' projects should be successful. Therefore, we do our best to provide you with the best and most convenient service. We carry out scheduled technical works and timely update not only the equipment fleet but also the professional skills and knowledge of the team.
  • We are convinced that the cost of hosting services should be adequate and that "more" does not always mean "better". Therefore, we offer you tariffs that are balanced in terms of content and price.
  • We feel that the world and technology are constantly evolving. Therefore, we try to keep up and implement novelties on our site and have many plans for the development of services.

Quality, professionalism, love for what we do, and respect for our customers are always at the heart of what we do. But what our team will never do is try to sell you something you don't need.

But, don't take our word for it. It's better to check it out on your first-hand experience

Welcome to RealHOST - hosting created for your convenience!