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Ukrainian hosting provider for the whole world

Why we are chosen
Because we're going the extra mile and providing you with the best service possible without getting on your nerves. We've been hosting websites since 2011, and since then we've been trusted by over 7,000 projects. Reliable hardware, a secure platform, fair prices and experienced support - all combine to create a great modern hosting service to secure your existing websites or host your projects of dream.
Long-term statistical uptime 99.9% for all hosting services. Channel bandwidth up to 1Gb, unlimited traffic. Branching cloud storage system guarantees that in case of need for scheduled replacement or in case of unexpected problems, projects on hosting will continue to work without interruptions and stops. Scheduled hardware upgrades and preventive maintenance only during "non-business hours" so that you can rest and not worry about unavailability of services
Our tech support pros are certainly no ChatGPT, but very close to it. Competent and friendly experts are always on standby to help you with the simplest or most confusing issues. The team's invaluable experience, in-depth knowledge in the areas adjacent to the hosting sphere, quick response to requests, desire to help customers use the services as productively as possible - all this allows your projects to be hosted in RealHOST easily, and you to enjoy it
We keep the cost of services for cloud vps, shared hosting, domains and mail for business at a friendly level. We understand how necessary it is. We are not free hosting, but our prices are justified and loyal. In addition to attractive prices there is a nice discount system - the longer you pay for the service, the higher is your discount. RealHOST team creates conditions for our valued users to be satisfied and stay with us for a long time
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Answers to frequently asked questions from customers who want to use online hosting services

What is the difference between "Shared hosting" service and "Virtual server" service?

Shared hosting - is a service for creating and managing a site, when a client is provided with a login and password to log into the web control panel, which has all the necessary tools for this. The user has access to editors of domain zones, virtual hosts, a web interface to DBMS management and many others.

Virtual server - is a simulation of a physical server located on the Internet. As a part of this service, the hosting provider::
- deploys a virtual machine using hardware virtualization; 
- assigns a dedicated white IP address to the server;
- provides login and password to access the control panel, which has the tools for managing the server (power on, shutdown, reboot, web access to the console, etc.).

Shared hosting provides a fully configured environment for hosting the site and a convenient control panel, but it is limited by the programming platforms that the panel supports, as well as the established limits (for the use of RAM, CPU and disk subsystem). As a rule, on one hosting IP-address,  many other sites are hosted.

Virtual server provides to advanced user the opportunity to configure the environment "for himself", to install any software, configure and apply any configuration. There are almost no restrictions (only in the amount of resources of the virtual machine itself). But, in this case, higher user training and experience for using the server are required. The IP address allocated to the server is used exclusively by him.

My domain is registered on another hosting. How can I transfer my hosting to RealHOST?

In general, there is no difference where the domain was registered and where the domain zone is currently being serviced. The site can be placed without problems on a RealHOST platform. In this case, there are two options:

1. The domain remains at the current registrar:
- in this case, in the domain settings you must change the NS domain servers to the following:,
After making these changes, the domain zone should be managed on RealHOST hosting. Usually, this is done in the shared hosting control panel.

2. The domain is transferred to RealHOST:
- to transfer a domain, you must send to the domain transfer code, which you can get from the current domain registrar. After we receive the transfer code, the domain will be transferred and it can be managed on RealHOST hosting.

What happens if the hosting will not be paid and extended on time, data will be lost and everything should be reconfigured anew?

The billing system automatically sends to the contact e-mail addresses reminders about dates of payment and renewal of the hosting services.
In a situation when the ordered service on the hosting was not paid on time, it automatically stops and the service is blocked. For a certain period, we keep your account, including all sites, domains, servers, and all settings remain intact. You can top up your balance and extend the service at any time.

- the term of storage of the disabled service "Shared Hosting" - 12 months
- the term of storage of the disabled "Virtual Server" service - 2 weeks (14 calendar days)
- the term of storage of the disabled "Mail for Business" service - 3 months

A few days before the end of the storage period of the disabled hosting service, the billing system sends out warnings about the upcoming removal of the account. 
After the expiration of the service’s storage period, all data and settings are permanently deleted.

I need only an email for the domain. What is the optimal tariff I should choose?

Maybe you should pay attention to the email service for business. Unlike standard email, which is available in any hosting tariff plan, corporate email for a domain is destined to organize the mail system of small and medium-sized businesses. It is distinguished by advanced features and attractive price, in comparison with analogs. ПLearn more on the Mail for Business page.

Why paid hosting?
For what kind of websites
Reliable and Fast Hosting by RealHOST
Reliable and Fast Hosting by RealHOST

You can stop limiting yourself to the functionality offered by free hosting services because spending a lot on reliable hosting is unnecessary - it is available to everyone. To develop your blog, an information site, or an online store today you need to get virtual hosting for a certain term. Its main advantage is that you don't need to understand complicated technical parameters - everything is intuitively plain and accessible. You can buy shared hosting not only for small sites, but also for large projects.

What is website hosting good for?
What is website hosting good for?

Quality and reliable hosting for the site is a guarantee of stable operation of your web-portal, and, therefore, the stability of your business and profits. RealHOST invites you to host: 

  • a single page - the most economical way to start, suitable for the sale of goods and services; 

  • online store - by installing add-ons you can make a large-scale e-commerce project; 

  • blog or corporate website - talk about your companies or discuss important issues. 

If you decide to buy hosting, you can host almost any type of web portal.      

Benefits of paid hosting from RealHOST
Benefits of paid hosting from RealHOST

RealHOST always provides qualitative and reliable server hosting. Lots of customers have already appreciated its main advantages: 

  • intuitive control panels are implemented, even if you are using the services of a hosting provider for the first time, you can easily understand the basic settings.  And if you have any questions, qualified specialists are always happy to help you; 

  • cloud hosting offers modern, considered resources, which also guarantee high speed and reliability, you can entrust the service your most significant projects; 

  • if you decided to change the hosting server and move to RealHOST, our experts will help you to move your site to our hosting for free and solve all related issues. 

Hosting prices depend on the tariff you choose. Also, one of the advantages of RealHOST is that you can individually find the right offer for you and not overpay for unnecessary functionality. So, all the rates for hosting services differ from each other by the following parameters: 

  • quantity of mailboxes; 

  • e-mail storage size; 

  • disk space; 

  • FTP/FTPS and CIFS/SMB protocol access; 

  • network performance; 

  • number of users; 


  • RAM; 

  • CPU; 

  • disc.

In any case, anyone can buy hosting for the site, because the price is always affordable. Server availability is guaranteed by redundant communication channels and a reliable disk subsystem. Paid web hosting services from RealHOST has enough resources for everyone to get high-speed and trouble-free functioning of the projects.

Single panel
The simple and practical panel is designed specifically for RealHOST users and based on our experience and customer requests. It allows you to configure flexibly all the necessary functions to manage your cloud vps, domain zones, mailboxes and services
All functions at your hand
Simple management
All functions at your hand
Simple management
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