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RealHOST blog /3

Interesting and helpful things from the world of hosting and development
Visual Studio Tips & Tricks — Shortcuts
Visual Studio Tips & Tricks — Shortcuts
7 compelling reasons to switch to business email immediately

Isn't it tempting to save money by using a free postal service or employees' personal emails instead of business email? Trust me, it's not worth it. And here's why

Avoid these C# errors and become a performance master

Have you ever felt like your .NET application is moving at a snail’s pace? If your immediate reaction is “yes”, don’t worry, you’re not alone. You may be suffering from the consequences of some bad practices disguised as seemingly logical methods.

What can the Whois service tell you?

Whois is a convenient specialized service, thanks to which you can find out basic information about a domain, its owner and registrar company.

Differences between the IEnumerable, ICollection and IList interfaces

IEnumerable, ICollection, and IList are the interfaces most commonly used in the .Net Framework. Let's see what opportunities they open up for the developer.

Visual Studio Tips & Tricks — Navigation
Visual Studio Tips & Tricks — Navigation