Database creation and configuration are described below.

The database for the site is configured in the control panel ASP.NET hosting.

1. Go to Hosting Spaces Menu - Databases - MSSQL 2014 (MariaDB)

4.How to create and configure a database?

2. First, create a database - click "Create database" button.

6.How to create and configure a database?

3. Enter the name of the database and then click "Save" button.

8.How to create and configure a database?

4. Next, create a database user - click the "Create user" button.

10.How to create and configure a database?

5. Enter the login and password of the new DBMS user and connect it to the database you have previously created.

12.How to create and configure a database?

6. In the application configuration file (web.config or appsettings.json) write the connection string (specifying the previously created database name, user and password):

example for MSSQL:

Data;Initial catalog=db99;User ID=db99user;Password=db99password;TrustServerCertificate=True

example for MySQL:;port=3306;database=db99;uid=db99user;pwd=db99password;

See the developer documentation for additional parameters of connection strings; examples can also be found here -