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Changing VPS tariffs


Changed upward VPS parameters in all standard tariff plans

Рады сообщить Вам, что в связи с внедрением на хостинге RealHOST облачного хранилища, мы смогли изменить в сторону увеличения параметры виртуальных серверов во всех стандартных тарифных планах

We are glad to inform you that due to the implementation of RealHOST hosting cloud storage, we were able to change the parameters of virtual servers in all standard tariff plans:

KVM-S1 - increased disk size to 15 GB
KVM-S2 - increased disk size to 25 GB
KVM-S3 - increased disk size to 40 GB
KVM-S4 - increased disk size to 60 GB
KVM-S5 - increased disk size to 80 GB
KVM-S6 - increased disk size to 100 GB
KVM-WS1 - increased disk size to 40 GB
KVM-WS2 - increased disk size to 60 GB
KVM-WS3 - increased disk size to 80 GB
KVM-WS4 - increased disk size to 100 GB


The cost of tariff plans remains unchanged.