Once the service is activated, the virtual machine is automatically started and runs continuously 24/7 until the service expires. However, if you need to manage your VPS manually, the control panel provides the ability to stop, start or restart the server.

Setting is done directly in the control panel of the hosting services control panel https://realhost.pro/en/control

1. Go into the Servers section and select the VPS you plan to stop, start, or restart.

4.How do I perform a server start, stop, and restart?

2. The "power" control buttons are available in the Management section

6.How do I perform a server start, stop, and restart?

3. Click the operation you want to perform (OFF, ON, Reboot) and choose one of the available options.

8.How do I perform a server start, stop, and restart?
9.How do I perform a server start, stop, and restart?

The operation of these controls is similar to the power control buttons on an ordinary personal computer.

  • When "Soft shutdown" is selected, a poweroff command is sent to the server operating system.
  • If you select the "Hard power off" option, the virtual machine is hard powered off (emulates a power shutdown).
  • When the "Soft reboot" option is selected, a reboot command is sent to the server operating system.
  • If you select the "Hard reset" option, the virtual machine is rebooted hard.
  • You can execute the ON command only for a powered off VPS.

11.How do I perform a server start, stop, and restart?

4. Wait for your operation to be completed.

13.How do I perform a server start, stop, and restart?
14.How do I perform a server start, stop, and restart?