Sometimes it is required that the IP address of a server is resolved back to a specific domain name through a reverse DNS lookup query.

By default, any VPS created on hosting has a domain name. This name is used to automatically register a record in the reverse DNS zone. You can change it at any time.

Setting up is done directly in the control panel of the hosting services

To configure the reverse recording setting:

1. Go to the Servers section and select the virtual machine for which you want to perform the configuration

5.How to change a reverse DNS record for a server IP address

2. In the Network Configuration section, click on the PTR record to change it.

7.How to change a reverse DNS record for a server IP address

3. Enter the required domain name for the reverse record in the field and click Save. Done!

9.How to change a reverse DNS record for a server IP address

  • After a while, the reverse request to the IP address will be resolved to the specified name

$ host x.x.x.x domain name pointer