One of the most important components of the site is the database. PHP hosting at RealHOST uses one of the latest versions of the DBMS (database management systems) - MariaDB 10.6.5.

In this article, we will look at creating a database and connecting it to the site using the example of the popular CMS WordPress.

Settings should be done in the PHP hosting control panel

1. Go to the DB section and click the "Add DB" button

5.How to connect and configure a database for the site

3. Fill out the form, specify database name, username and password

7.How to connect and configure a database for the site

  • Note that the database and user names are prefixed with the name of the current user.

  • If you need to set explicitly the database encoding, use the "Additional options" button

10.How to connect and configure a database for the site

4. Use the button to log into phpMyAdmin

12.How to connect and configure a database for the site

PhpMyAdmin is accessed using the database user and password created in the control panel