Transferring a domain from another registrar to RealHOST

Please note! Before you start transferring a domain to RealHOST from your current registrar, make sure that:

  • the domain has an ACTIVE status
  • The Privacy Protection option is disabled
  • at least 60 calendar days have passed from the moment of domain registration or the last change of the registrar (for a gTLD - generic Top-Level Domain)
  • at least 7 calendar days have passed from the moment of domain registration or the last change of the registrar (for Ukrainian domains)
  • at least 7 calendar days are left before the domain registration expiration date (at the moment of transfer application submission)


General information on domain transfer

Upon transfer, the domain registration period is increased to 1 year. Domain renewal is performed only if the total period of domain registration at the end of this operation will not exceed 10 years (the maximum term of domain delegation).

As long as a domain transfer is in progress, its status does not change. If the domain expires during the transfer procedure, it will work anyway.

Registrar transfer procedure takes 5-7 calendar days.

Application for domain transfer to RealHOST

1. Be sure to check whether the contact information for the registrant (domain owner) on the side of the current registrar is up to date, make sure it is open (i.e., the Privacy Protection option must be deactivated).

2. Notify your current registrar about the intention to transfer the domain to another registrar and complete the transfer application according to the requirements of your current registrar. You may need the details of the host party: 

  • registrar ID: ua.ukrnames;
  • Registrar's legal name: LLC "Ukrainian Internet Names Center".

3. Next, request the secret code for the domain transfer: Auth-Сode.

4. Fill in the domain contacts in the personal cabinet of the RealHOST hosting services control panel.

Filling in the domain name contacts is performed in the personal cabinet of the hosting services control panel:

In the left side menu Products / Services - Domains select the Transfer button

9.How to transfer a domain to RealHOST

5. For us to initiate the procedure of transferring your domain, write an e-mail to the technical support service (at about your intention to transfer the domain to RealHOST, where you specify:

  • domain name
  • Auth-Code for transfer, which you have previously obtained from your current registrar.

6. We will inform you about further steps on your account contact e-mail.

The next step is to fill in (or choose from the existing ones, if you have filled in previously) the personal data of the domain owner, as well as administrative, technical and financial contacts

Next, to initiate the transfer of your domain, enter the Auth-Code that you previously got from your current registrar