Domain names can attract customers' attention, sometimes even make them laugh, or vice versa - repel people. It also happens that the name simply causes confusion. As in the examples below.
Domain names can attract customers' attention, sometimes even make them laugh, or vice versa - repel people. It also happens that the name simply causes confusion. As in the examples below.
Some people just want to have the biggest and best of everything, including domain names
And it's not just a set of numbers, but a decimal representation of Pi to 63 digits after the dot. That's probably what the math people are joking about (there are 65 characters in the domain name).
On the site, you can learn about the history of the number Pi, algorithms for its calculation, and, for example, how many digits of Pi are known today.
There are 60 characters in this domain name!
The name indicates the site's theme - it introduces readers to facts about the largest and most impressive objects and phenomena from different spheres. There is information about the giant casino in Macau, about the longest human tooth, about long-livers of the planet among people and animals, about the longest rivers or highways, etc.).
The name of this domain consists of 48 characters and contains the question: “Should websites look the same in all browsers?”. And as an answer to this question, the site contains just one word - “No”.
Brevity is the sister of talent. Although, the site itself looks identical in all browsers
As with Pi, it is not a random set of letters. It is the name of a town in Wales, which in Welsh means “St. Mary's Church in a hollow of white hazel near a turbulent whirlpool and St. Tisilio's Church near a red cave”. The site is named after this town.
Practice your pronunciation 😉
Against the background of the railroad sign with such a capacious name, tourists in the town are very fond of taking pictures. By the way, the town's population is about 3000 people, only 52 times more than the number of letters in the name of the village and domain (58 characters).
By the way, below is an image of the longest railroad ticket of the 1960s (15 cm), which used to be a very popular souvenir of this interesting town.
Most probably, the owners of the above domains selected such original names consciously. They wanted to draw attention to themselves, and they succeeded!